研究论文笔记模版,来自 Rice University
Whenever you read an article, pertinent book chapter, or research on the web, use the following format (or something similar) to make an electronic record of your notes for later easy access. Put quotation marks around any exact wording you write down so that you can avoid accidental plagiarism when you later cite the article.
Complete citation/完整引文信息: Author(s), Date of publication, Title (book or article), Journal, Volume #, Issue #, pages:
If web access: url; date accessed
Key words/关键词:
General subject/一般主题:
Specific subject/特定主题:
Summary of key points/要点总结:
Context/背景 (how this article relates to other work in the field; how it ties in with key issues and findings by others, including yourself):
Significance/意义 (to the field; in relation to your own work):
Important Figures and Tables/重要图表 (brief description; page number):
Cited References to follow up on/引用的可供你跟进的参考文献 (cite those obviously related to your topic and any papers frequently cited by others because those works may well prove to be essential as you develop your own work):
Other Comments/其他评论: